
The Georgia Ports Authority board on Monday approved a series of projects that will improve the Port of Savannah’s capacity by 20%, GPA Executive Director Griff Lynch said. «Port operators are working hard to improve the services our customers need, plus growth at the port is accelerating due to cargo handling.»

The increase in TEU capacity with its infrastructure investment that will allow the port to have a +20% capacity from the current capacity has been brought forward as the port is moving numerous containers that were actually budgeted for 2023, therefore, these infrastructure advancements and improvement were brought forward to the current year.

The board approved an improvement to the terminal called the Peak Capacity project, this establishes 2,100 new container quotas with land connection, likewise, the project will add 650,000 container units, and its opening is expected to be for the month of September, likewise, the port had the busiest month of February as it moved a total of 390,804 TEU of cargo, an increase of 7.2 % compared to the 26,400 TEU that was moved in February 2020.

In addition to other projects that have been advanced in the renovation of berths, expansion of port land, and others, these are focused on increasing the capacity of large ships, the purchase of eight ship-to-shore cranes, renewal of machinery.

Font: portalportuario.cl

Take of: gaports.com


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